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LED intensity changes with time

If you look at the data sheet for the LED it says that at 20 mA the forward voltage may be between 2.8 V and 3.6 V. Importantly it states that this is at an ambient temperature of 25 degC. So, how ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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8 votes

Output Drift of an operational Integrator

Even for Vin=0 the output voltage will ramp up to the maximum (supply rails) due to the finite output offset voltage (input offset times open-loop gain). This cannot be avoided for stand-alone ...
LvW's user avatar
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6 votes

How to resolve the drift around the z-axis in an IMU6050 gyroscope?

The accelerometer doesn't see changes in gravity when you rotate around the vertical z-axis, so you can't use it as an input for a complementary filter (or any other filter/algorithm) to compensate ...
ocrdu's user avatar
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5 votes

Will output capacitance of a MOSFET drift over time?

The aging drift is insignificant (perhaps fractions of a %). If your design is sensitive to C, you will have more issues with normal sample-sample variations (perhaps 20 % or more from one ...
jp314's user avatar
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4 votes

Choosing a crystal for a long-running synchronizing application between two microcontrollers

Any system that relies on instruction to instruction synchronization of two units is doomed to fail. It is not needed, and nobody ever does it. Using the same nominal frequency crystal will get you ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
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Choosing a crystal for a long-running synchronizing application between two microcontrollers

Garden-variety crystals only have an initial accuracy on the order of 100 ppm, before you even start to consider thermal and voltage effects. You can spend more money and push things down to on the ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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Is the current in reverse biased PN junction due to drift or diffusion?

There is both drift and diffusion in a PN junction diode. Even though their sum is constant throughout the device, the individual components vary spatially. The diffusion current is non-negligible ...
nidhin's user avatar
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Will output capacitance of a MOSFET drift over time?

I would not expect it to change much, and I've certainly never seen it mentioned on a datasheet. There are known effects which result from charge trapped in the gate oxide which shift the threshold ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
3 votes

Output Drift of an operational Integrator

How can we prevent the drifting? If you journeyed to the end game and ignored the capacitor (because all it does is slow down the inevitable), to ensure that the output of the op-amp remained at 0V (...
Andy aka's user avatar
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3 votes

Can an NTC sensor drift over time?

When using an NTC you should make sure self-heating is a non-issue by: making the measurement current small so power dissipation can be neglected. It might help to choose an NTC with a high ...
Bimpelrekkie's user avatar
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3 votes

LED intensity changes with time

Thank you all very much. I have provided a constant current supply with LM317 to the LED and a constant voltage of 1.5V to the UV photodiode with another LM317. This voltage is counteracted by the ...
Andrea's user avatar
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2 votes

LED intensity changes with time

Your photo and graph are useful. In your graph, at about 7 hours, a large step appears in your photodiode output. What was the cause? It may give you a clue that will help debug your experiment. Your ...
glen_geek's user avatar
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2 votes

Thermal drift in diodes

so Io will become smaller That's not true, what you wanted to write is that the term \$(e^{V/V_t}-1)\$ becomes smaller and that is true. However \$I_0\$ is often / usually (wrongly) assumed to be ...
Bimpelrekkie's user avatar
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2 votes

Compensating for MEMS Gyroscopic drift

No, you can't do that. MEMS gyros are rate gyros — the output represents angular change per unit time, not total angular change. Two gyros that are rigidly connected will give the same ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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2 votes

Drift auto-corrector for any microcontroller

You need to describe your actual problem - not just summarise it. eg I am using UARTs at 9600 baud. My clock source is RC/Xtal/ceramic resonator ... At xxx MHz ... . ... For asynchronous ...
Russell McMahon's user avatar
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2 votes

Looking for gyroscope drift spec in datasheet

BMI088 is offering a wide acceleration measurement range (up to 24 g), high vibration suppression ratio and vibration robustness, as well as high bias and temperature stability. The automotive-...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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2 votes

Why passive component has better drift characteristics than active components had?

I think that the unseen context of the quote needs to be revealed to be able to adequately refer to it in your question. The quote appears to be talking about telephone lines and this suggests to me ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I reduce strain gage drift?

The FIRST thing to do is to look at the signal with a very fine time scale to make sure the "drift" you're experiencing isn't big noise or an oscillation that's aliased in your display or ...
Scott Seidman's user avatar
2 votes

How to minimize the effect on DNL error from this opamp circuit?

You should use the same reference for Vp as is used for the DAC, and it should be low noise and stable, preferably not a digital supply voltage. If you have to use a DAC that has no option other than ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
2 votes

In what cases is the use of low-drift amplifiers a must?

Low drift is only one of many parameters than can be optimized. If you need low drift (usually expressed in terms of microvolts per degree C temperature change referred to the input) then you should ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
2 votes

Processing data from optical chopper to correct for drift

Bandpass the signal to get a sinewave out of it. Measure the amplitude of the sinewave. There are plenty of ways to do it. Choose an approach that uses all points of the sinewave and not the peaks ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Sallen key topology choosing right op-amp

Also, can anyone explain flatness of a response between 100KHz and 80MHz? Yes, the AD8642 runs out of steam and can no longer convincingly perform the sallen key task asked of it. It has a ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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Sallen key topology choosing right op-amp

The flatish response from 100kHz upwards is due to the rising output impedance of the opamps due to their low GBW product. Capacitors C9 and C11 rely on the amplifier having a zero output impedance. ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
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How to resolve the drift around the z-axis in an IMU6050 gyroscope?

You need to mount two IMU modules on perpendicular planes - like on the facing pages of an open book. Then you won't need the magnetometer signal, since at least one accelerometer will see changes in ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Magnetometer Offset Drift

Here are some possible approaches: AC couple your sensor. Continuously produce an extremely low-pass filtered version of your signal (<0.1Hz) and use that as your "zero". You can filter in ...
DKNguyen's user avatar
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Does diffusion current cause drift current?

That seems a really bad book on Semiconductors. It doesn't explain things clearly. You better read one of these on that topic: Semiconductor Physics and Devices (SIE) | 4th Edition - Donald Neamen ...
Amit M's user avatar
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Calculating drift/precision on a temperature circuit

Your system equation is OUT= G2 * (G1*RL - 2.5*R1/(R1+R2)) you need delta(OUT)/delta(t) ~~ d(OUT)/d(t) = d(G2)/dt *(G1*RL - 2.5*R1/(R1+R2)) + G2 * d(G1*RL - 2.5*R1/(R1+R2))/dt where t is ...
M KS's user avatar
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Obtaining noise spectral density of OP-AMP from Peak to Peak voltage

Noise can only be specified knowing the particular input resistance. BestNoiseR=NoiseV/NoiseI At other resistances the noise figure will be worse. Low voltage noise= low resistance, which somewhat ...
Henry Crun's user avatar
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Obtaining noise spectral density of OP-AMP from Peak to Peak voltage

Usually it's in a graph, for 0 to 10Hz i'd go with rougly \$\frac{50nV}{\sqrt{Hz}}\$
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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