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Is there a concern having a faster rise time in I2C fast mode than 20ns spec?

Is there any concern for \$t_R<20~ns\$. Consider -3 dB BW = 0.35/T (10~90%) = 70 MHz. Just above, this is the FM band where emission regulations are tighter due to crøsstalk interference to FM ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
  • 148k
2 votes

Is there a concern having a faster rise time in I2C fast mode than 20ns spec?

I think there is a concern. Not because in itself it is faster than allowed by I2C specification, but for the reason why, as it may reveal a problem, or it might be fine after you know why it is too ...
Justme's user avatar
  • 172k
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Is there a concern having a faster rise time in I2C fast mode than 20ns spec?

This is a bit of a mystery. You can find numerous 'official' non-answers in forums from the likes of NXP and TI, basically they say to follow the specification. There is speculation that it could be ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
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RS485 interface with MCU

If you are sure that the LCD uses RS-485, you have nothing to think about. It will work without any problem. I strongly recommend using a shielded cable, keeping the distance short and using the ...
Dead Man Riding's user avatar

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