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how to design an electronic circuit that convert a binary sequence to Manchester code

The result of Manchester encoding means that you can feed the modified signal through a high pass filter and get equal positive and negative values. The nature of using an exor gate means that you ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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4 votes

Distinguishing simple FSK and Manchester coding?

Yes it's Bi-Phase (Mark, Space or Invert) aka Manchester code which has this typical 1T,2T pattern with a preamble of 1T for clock freq and phase sync, where T= 1/2 bit. The jitter tolerance depends ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Hardware/software needed to decode Differential Manchester?

Well it can't be received with an UART easily. One thing you could do with Arduino is to feed the data to Timer Capture Input pin and triggering on the edges and every time an edge happens make it ...
Justme's user avatar
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2 votes

Effects of impedance matching between 50 and 75 Ohm coaxial cables for 10 Mbit/s, Manchester-coded signals (20 MHz)

Experience1 has shown that the resistive matching network is a good option for 10 base 2 Ethernet only at a first glance. It helps improve the situation when it comes to RF signal quality, but I have ...
zebonaut's user avatar
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What is the advantage of differential Manchester

One "problem" with normal manchester coding is that a steady stream of encoded zeros looks exactly like a steady stream of encoded ones (unless you are in sync). In my case I wanted the line to idle ...
Øyvin Eikeland's user avatar
2 votes

signal types and wire types

Gnd reference uni-polar signal normal Signals I would say. they are cheap to generate, cheep to receive. Not generally good for longer distances and higher speeds, ...
schnedan's user avatar
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1 vote

What kind of serial encoding is this?

I'm seeing what looks like a variable rate code where a 1 is a long pulse and a long rest and a 0 is a short pulse and a short-ish rest.
Jasen  Слава Україні's user avatar
1 vote

Hardware/software needed to decode Differential Manchester?

In addition to what Justme recommended: at 62.5 kbd, you can just probe the input pin at say 145 kSamples/s and do all the de-manchestering by converting the samples to +/- 1 and then multiplying ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

FSM derivation for a digital Manchester encoder

You must stimulate the design in a way, that each bit at d, that shall be transfered, is active for 2 clock cycles. So if you want to transfer a 1 you need d=1 for 2 clock cylces, if you want to ...
Matthias Schweikart's user avatar
1 vote

Circuit for decoding Manchester encoding (retrieving clock and data) - how to create delay circuit

If you are using an FPGA, then there are a few ways to create a delay. Shift register delay: If you have a clock source "clk" that is 8X the frequency of the expected frequency of "...
user4574's user avatar
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Differential manchester encoding and data rate

Differential Manchester encoding produces only two output states; yours has three: - Image from wikipedia - Differential Manchester encoding. The top waveform called NRZ-L is regular serial data and, ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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What is the best way to get a receiver in sync with clock? Manchester encoding

if you wanted to create an answer, I would be happy to mark it as correct. If you want a software solution then you can ascertain what the embedded clock rate is by 16x oversampling the data and ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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How does line encoding relate to bus protocols like SPI, serial, i2C, ethernet etc

At the highest level, all buses transport a series of 0s and 1s. Buses that are designed to be used on a single board (SPI, I²C, UART) use the simplest line code, NRZ-L, where 0/1 = low/high voltage. ...
CL.'s user avatar
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Can sending correct data via UART qualify as valid manchester encoding?

The success of this scheme will be highly dependant on the drive electronics in the laser pointer module, it's impossible to guess the ramp-up and down times, but easy enough to characterise with a ...
shuckc's user avatar
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DALI Protocol: Is it valid to include this for manchester decoding convenience?

There's no need for a preamble, this is a very simple protocol. There is a minimum time between frames which means you can very easily detect when the line is idle. Then, once the line goes low during ...
DiBosco's user avatar
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Decoding waveform from RFID 125 khz reader

I think the AC coupling high pass filter rolloff frequency is too high, and is getting in the way of the data. It looks like your second attempt, which uses C19 as intended, worked better. Try again ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
1 vote

Self-clocking driver / transceiver

Self clocking serial protocols exist in a thousand variations everywhere magnetic recording to primitive ethernet communication, telephony to industrial and SCADA communication. These protocols and ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
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1 vote

How to represent binary for differential and Manchester coding?

The signal is either at +1 or -1, except when there is no communication. Additional protocols/conventions are needed to detect starts and ends of messages. For Q1, the two extreme values have no real ...
Grabul's user avatar
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