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Martin Petrei's user avatar
Martin Petrei's user avatar
Martin Petrei
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
1 vote

Common emitter variants

1 vote

How to choose a transistor for amplification

1 vote

Three-phase rectifier circuit simulation

1 vote

How to identify an ordinary coil? Can I use some tools do identify its value?

1 vote

How can you calculate base voltage of a transistor when there are biasing resistor and a resistor between 2 input terminal

1 vote

Adding voltage divider to output of power amp concerns

1 vote

Using KCL in Mesh Analysis

1 vote

Hardware Implementation of Discrete time Systems

1 vote

Power consumption in simple example

1 vote

Transistor biasing problem

1 vote

When is this voltage source activated?

1 vote

Finding the step response of a RLC circuit

1 vote

Does the value of a resistor matter when doing voltage division to cut it into a half?

1 vote

Amplitude and phase spectrum

1 vote

What happens to a DSB signal if I use an envelope detector instead of Low Pass Filter

1 vote

Understanding Transistors

1 vote

Which is actually an active component?

1 vote

RLC circuit - transfer function through differential equation - Band stop filter

0 votes

Closing two circuits from one button press, with a delay?

0 votes

Frequency of square wave

0 votes

Max Current Output

0 votes

Limitations of using minimum no. of MUXes for a given boolean function

0 votes

What applications require isolated transformers?

0 votes

KVL loop current direction convention--should be same in all loops?

0 votes

sinusoidal frequency doubling

0 votes

How to wire up this transformer?

0 votes

Required Emitter Resistance \$R_E\$ for the Maximum Emitter Current for a BJT

0 votes

RTD's resistance to temperature

0 votes

What is the purpose of this spiral wire on top of the transformer body?

0 votes

How electron movement produces current,instead of having a slow drift speed?