Assume a x16 DDR SDRAM module with 2b banks, which are made of 2r rows, which are further composed of 2c columns, where each column is 2w bits "tall". Assume that the interface is burst-oriented, with a burst length of 2bl. I.e. one data transfer consists of one 2(w+bl)-bit data packets. Each row must then be 2(c+w) bits wide.
As I understand it, each bank has a separate set of 2(c+w) sense amplifiers. Upon bank activation, the entire selected row is "transferred" into the sense amps. From there, a column decoder selects the 2(w+bl) bits that will either be read from or written to. I am drawing these conclusions from a DDR3 SDRAM block diagram, for example this one from a Micron datasheet, for a x16 device with 214 rows and 210 columns.
Each bank, then, is composed of 2(r+c+w) memory cells, which are divided into two groups by the 2(c+w) sense amplifiers, like so (the blue rectangles being the sense amps)(image source is this youtube video):
It stands to reason, then, that there are 2(r-1) cells above each sense amp, and 2(r-1) cells below each sense amp, for a total of 2(r). This way, each address line within the memory array addresses one entire row.
The problem in my theory here is that the sense amp is (supposedly) also used as a refresh circuit. In DDR3, there are 8192 refresh cycles, one every 7.8 us, as each capacitor can only hold charge for 64 ms. If a refresh is effectively just a read, then how are the memory cells (of, say, 2^14 rows and 2^10 columns, each 16-bit wide) divided into 8192 groups?
I've seen a ton of articles and papers and videos discuss this topology, but the naming of "row" and "column" in literature is confusing and not uniform. I believe I've come to a plausible solution, but I must still ask: Is my understanding correct?