My professor looked at this code for a good 10 minutes, but could not find the problem. So, I'm hoping a fresh pair of eyes will see something both of us missed. As always, I'll be grateful for any hints you can provide.
Context: A module that counts from FFF to 000, then repeats.
Problem: Only lowest 2 displays decrement, skipping several numbers at a time and then jump back up to FF at a seemingly random point.
Assumptions: 1. SevenSegment driver is working properly. It has been checked manually and will display the hex number it is given 2. The ClockDivider module works as intended. The countdown decreases every 1 second as it should (CLOCK_50 = 50 MHz)
Possible Hint: Verilog warns that "cd" is an inferred latch and retains its value through one or more paths in the "always" block
module ClockDivider( input CLOCK_50, output reg[ 31:0] count );
parameter clockDivisor = 50_000_000;
always @( posedge CLOCK_50 )
if ( count == 0)
count <= clockDivisor;
count <= count - 1;
module Test (
//////////// CLOCK //////////
input CLOCK_50,
//////////// SEG7 //////////
output [6:0] HEX0,
output [6:0] HEX1,
output [6:0] HEX2
//ClockDivider Output
wire [31:0] cout;
reg [11:0] cd;
ClockDivider a( CLOCK_50, cout);
always @(cout)
if (cout == 32'h0)
if (cd == 12'h0)
cd <= 12'hFFF;
cd <= (cd - 12'h001);
SevenSegment C2( cd[11:8], 1'b0, HEX2 );
SevenSegment C1( cd[7:4], 1'b0, HEX1 );
SevenSegment C0( cd[3:0], 1'b0, HEX0 );
in the sensitivity list, but it never appears in the r.h.s. of any of the assignments below it. So what can the tool infer except that you want to usecout
as a clock signal for block. \$\endgroup\$