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Wouter van Ooijen's user avatar
Wouter van Ooijen's user avatar
Wouter van Ooijen
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
8 votes

Arduino to int

8 votes

How can I instruct my compiler to use 8 bit bytes instead of 16 bit integers?

8 votes

How does a GPU/CPU communicate with a standard display output? (HDMI/DVI/etc)

8 votes

High current 5 volt regulator

8 votes

How to wire this relay (silkscreen in Chinese!)?

8 votes

Why use only oversimplified/ideal equivalent circuits?

8 votes

Which part of PCB circle for capacitor is positive?

8 votes

Which SPI mode to use?

8 votes

Why are communciation protocols presented as Stacks (vertical) rather than as a conveyor belt (horizontal)?

8 votes

Why aren't SRAM modules laid out in a matrix?

7 votes

How does the D Flip Flop work and WHY does it hold its value?

7 votes

Can a reed switch be used instead of a flyback diode?

7 votes

What is the point of the transistor to drive the relay coil

7 votes

Does a capacitor connected by only one lead have any effect on a circuit?

7 votes

How is saltwater able to conduct electric charge between two wires?

7 votes

Theoretical Clock Question

7 votes

Using a 7 segment display to show numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 with four inputs

7 votes

How to control a seven-segment display with 4 digits?

7 votes

Boost DC voltage converter for wireless temperature sensor (1.5V to 5V)

7 votes

Why was a resistor and capacitor used in this IR receiver circuit

7 votes

Diode fails open

7 votes

Is there a standard Ethernet Connector?

7 votes

sending signal to open car with microcontroller

7 votes

Just chopped a cable, is red power, black ground?

7 votes

Controlling colors in RGB LED

7 votes

Why do networks need a common ground cable?

7 votes

Do all PHY Ethernet chips have a hard-coded MAC address?

7 votes

Driving servos using microcontroller and current limiting

7 votes

Why IC 4081 is taking 2-5 seconds to set the output to low

7 votes

Is there any reasoning behind component names?

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