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27 votes
6 answers

Why are relatively simpler devices such as microcontrollers so much slower than CPUs?

Given the same number of pipeline stages and the same manufacturing node (say, 65 nm) and the same voltage, simple devices should run faster than more complicated ones. Also, merging multiple pipeline ...
Michael's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

CPUs for retro computer school project

I'm a student in an IT school and we are trying to think of a project we could use to show 1st year students how things work behind the stage and we eventually thought of making a retro computer. I'...
Anthony Teisseire's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What multi/many-core (micro)processors/controllers should I use for "embarrassingly parallel" computations? [closed]

This is my first question ever on this site, so I hope I don't mess this up. :D I'll try to be as specific as possible. What I need: Something that I can program in C (or a C-like language). I need ...
Linus Brendel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are `call` and `return` usually instructions in a modern ISA?

I've been working through the problems in a game based around building a Turing Complete machine. One of the final problems asks you to implement the call and ...
Connor's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

How does a microprocessor control its transistors? [closed]

Or in other words, what is the more fundamental building block of an IC below transistors? When I load a code onto my microprocessor, how (fundamentally, sure some people here could write books about ...
Oliver Walters's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

8085 μp; Why does Read cycle take 3 T-states and not 2?

In the text I'm following, R.S.Gaonkar it's explained that, During T1, address in Program Counter(PC) is latched onto the Memory Address Register(MAR), During the falling edge of T2 \$\overline{MEMR}...
Aravindh Vasu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

8085 MPU; Stepping through an instruction (Timing diagrams)

Let me write the steps of ADD B, as I've understood it till now. T0: ALE goes high Memory location(say \$2000_h\$) is taken from Program Counter to Memory Address Register(which points to the ...
Aravindh Vasu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

External bus interfacing

This lab requires us to extend the memory and I/O ports on our µPad using our EBI backpack. What I'm confused about is how the fully address decoded SRAM will differ from the partially addressed i/o ...
Tess Christensen's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How are `call` and `return` usually implemented in microarchitecture? [closed]

This is a follow-on from this question: Are `call` and `return` usually instructions in a modern ISA? I'd like to implement call and ...
Connor's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How Can A Coded Firmware Control Hardware [closed]

I really want to know how could a virtual coded program really affect and imitate and animate a piece of hardware. I Have Always Seen The Diagram Of Processors In the Book Showing ALU and CPU as The ...
MaMba's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make the "arithmetic" part of the ALU to be mircoprogrammed?

We know that the Arithmetic and Logic Unit in CPU is a hardware, it is a combinational circuit. Binary addition, for example, is very fast because it doesn't have to be microprogrammed; there is ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

does data and instruction memory we see in the data path corresponds to the L1 Instruction and Data cache inside of the core?

In CPU data path there are blocks called data memory and instruction memory ? Are these blocks L1 Instruction and L1 data caches ? For instance check figure 4.10 in this link. We know that generally ...
Abdulkadir Arslan's user avatar