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Digital electronics treats discrete signals, unlike analog electronics which treats continuous signals. Digital logic is used to perform arithmetic operations with electric signals and constitutes the base for building CPUs.

1 vote

STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ascending and descending, VHDL code for mux

The order (up or down) is not relevant here as long as you keep the consistency between the selected input and the select code, like you did in the example code for the mux4-1 (0 to 3): W(0) WHEN "00" …
devnull's user avatar
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1 vote

3-bit subtractor using full adders in logisim. Store results in a d-flipflop

Assuming the problem to be fixed is the bit length mismatch, you need to select each adder and change the "Data Bits" to one:
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2 votes

Which K-Map is the correct one?

Both generate correct expressions but if by "correct" you mean the one which generates the most simplified sum of products: the second one. The group of 4 will eliminate two inputs. The group of two e …
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1 vote

In SystemVerilog, can two always_ff blocks be executed in parallel?

Both codes result in the same two synchronous devices (non-blocking assignments). It is understandably confusing that the language used in the literature uses words similar to what we use in software. …
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1 vote

AND gate output stuck at low

You mentioned 10k pull-down resistors on the input but not pull-up resistors at the outputs:
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1 vote

Where does the first carry-in go on a adder/subtractor circuit?

The schematic is correct: with SUB set to 1 the 4 XOR gates invert all the bits in B and add one (carry in), thus computing the two's complement. Besides any a errors at the breadboard connections, or …
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1 vote

simplify Boolean function F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ m(0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7,8,9 11, 13,14,15)

Every minterm should be covered by the largest possible power of two area: Which gives the final expression: A'C' + B'C' + D + ABC
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2 votes

Multicycle Path

If we want the receiving flop to receive the new signal every 3 cycles, how is this ensuring that The diagram shown doesn't ensure that. What provides this is whatever circuit is generating the "Ena …
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4 votes

Logical output of CMOS circuit

Split your analysis between PMOS and NMOS switches: Turning the NMOS switches ON: for the X node to be pulled to 0, P must be 1 AND Q OR R must be 1. Turning the PMOS switches ON: For the X node to b …
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4 votes

Why is this NAND gate not turning on with both inputs off?

Logisim (original or evolution) doesn't simulate the signal propagation with delay. Anything more complicated than SR latches may not work, as you have seen. It works perfectly when connected to butt …
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1 vote

How is sll implemented in MIPS?

The answer seems to be in the next slide after the one posted in the question: This is not the MIPS ALU. It is a step by step approach taken in this class material to show the implementation of the o …
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0 votes

Hamming code error correction multiple bits

The decision to "only detect" or trying to "correct" the errors changes what you can do with 100% coverage: if error correction is implemented, the code can correct (identify which bit flipped) all 1 …
devnull's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is my Logisim circuit output xxxx?

Your AND and OR gates have floating inputs. Change their configuration to 2 inputs: Also note that the adder and subtractor need a carry in input and, as Mat noted in the comments, the connection to …
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0 votes

Microcontroller maximum and minimum source and sink current

on what parameter does the minimum and maximum sourcing and sinking current of a GPIO depend upon It depends on the output resistance of the GPIO pin, which is not informed directly and may not be s …
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2 votes

Circuit that retains a state even after power loss

Single D-Flip-Flop Single D-Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear What about a low power (900nA, 0.8 to 3.6V) d-flip-flop powered by a coin cell when your circuit loses power? It even has the edge detection …
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